Fanfics, by Eleonor


16 Mαϊ 2007
A short introduction to Eleonor's fanfic stories


Eleonor is a Candy-Candy fan with a strong tendency for funny stories. She has the lovely quality of taking a Mizuki episode and no matter how heart-breaking it is she manages to make the reader smile and see the bright side of it and of life in general. This is why I love her stories. I also adore the way she uses the closing narration and I consider it the best and most hillarious part of her stories.


I have the priviledge of knowing Eleonor, although I haven't met her person to person since she resides in the other side of the Atlantic, and I have her permission for posting her stories here.


Thank you Eleonor for making us smile


Note: Susanna Marlowe is always refered as "chipie" in Eleonor's stories


Candy & Terry's First meeting (Episode 30)

A tipsy Candy, steps out on the promenade of the Mauritania for some fresh air. A breeze blows her wrap away from her. She chases after it, then notices that someone is standing by the railing.


C.: There’s someone there… Ooooh! (She gets a blast from the past as the figure suddenly and inexplicably reminds her of … of… uhm… someone else…).


Narrator lady: Candy held her breath shocked, on board the ship that was taking her to London…


C.: A… uh…uhm… Aaron… is it you? He does looks like… uhm… hmm… uhm… Arthur… Especially when you look at him from behind! And God, what a behind!!! (she cocks her head to the side for a better look).


She slowly walks towards him, mesmerized, awestrucked... drawn to him by an invisible force.


C: (thinking) He looks like he is about to vanish at any moment… Uhm,…Arnold?... No! It’s impossible… it’s no possible… He’s taller than uh… Ashley… Oh… but he is crying…!


Candy turns to leave, but Terry turns around and sees her.


Terry: Is someone there?


Candy turns around and their eyes cross for the first time…. A flash of lightening in the background… the air gets electrified… bzzzz… tzzzz… bzzzz….tzzzz… tzzzz... all around!


C.: (after picking her jaw off the floor and trying to sound cool) Uh….yeah… I tried to talk to you but you were looking very sad and I didn’t want to disturb, so…


T.: (after picking his jaw off the floor and trying to sound amused) I was looking sad? But what kind of observation is that? I was looking sad… !


C.: (thinking)
Oh my god, he is sooooooooooooo gorgeous when he is laughing! My knees will give way at any minute….


T.: What are you talking about Miss Freckles, can you tell me, eh?


That snaps Candy out of her gobsmacked state.


C.: Miss Freckles???


T.: Do you know, your face is really full of freckles, don’t you agree? And they make you look so ridiculously cute!!! Hmm… awfully cute, indeed!


C.: (angrily) How dare you say this, eh? I like my freckles!!! How rude!

T.: Oh, I see! Do you mean to say you put them there yourself?


C.: Precisely! And now I am actually trying to figure out how to put some more freckles on…!


T.: I see, I see! (He is whispering, while studying her face, his nose an inch from hers) You are right, you need some more… you seem to have put them all just on and around your nose…(he traces a finger all over her nose and around it, where all her freckles are gathered). You need some here… (he touches a spot on her left cheek) and some over here… (he touches a spot, on her right cheek) and maybe some right here too… (he traces a finger over the outline of her top lip).


C.: (heart racing and panting heavily): You… are jealous… you don’t have half a freckle on your face… it’s flawless… perfect…!


T.: And that pudgy nose of yours… it’s the cutest I have ever seen…


C.: Absolutely… yes… of course…!


T.: What…


C.: Whatever you say…


T.: I say, I…


Loosing his train of thinking, he stops talking and studies her face some more. He traces her lower lip with his thump, she moans lightly; unable to resist any longer he leans over and takes her lips in a mind blowing, earth shattering, universe rocking kiss… Another flash of lightening and an awful lot of bzzzz… tzzzz… bzzzz….tzzzz… the background.


George.: Miss Candy? Oh, you are here, Miss Candy!


T.: (Let’s go of her suddenly, shoots George a murdering look, then turns and leaves) Farewell, Lady Freckles!


C.: (watches him leave, devastated and still out of breath) Ah…………


G.: Miss Candy?


C.: (staring at the direction Terry went, still out of breath)……………………………


G.: Miss Candy?


C.: …………………………… What?


G.: Please don’t stay out here, it’s dangerous, you may catch a cold!


C.: Tell me George, this boy that was here…


G.: Oh so you know, Mr. Grandchester?


C.: Mr. Grandchester?


G.: Yes, he is a member of one of the most prominent noble families of England!


C.: Noble family?


G.: Why, did he do something?


C.: No… I just thought that his behind, I mean... from behind he looked very much like uh… hmm… uhm…Argus… no, Abraham…uhm (she turns and looks at George with a puzzled, questioning look)


G.: Mr Anthony?


C.: Yeah, him… Mr Andrew… (she looks at the direction Terry went again) but… uhm… uh… Adam was much more uh… more …


G.: More what?


C.: What??


G.: You were saying something…


C.: (surprised) Was I? Oh… What was I saying George?


G.: (confused) I don’t know! Well, never mind… Miss Candy, please, let’s go back to our cabins.


C.: (ecstatically) Oh George you are so clever!!! Why didn’t I think of that? Yes please, take me to his cabin at once!!!


G.: No, I said
our cabins, Miss Candy…


C.: (disappointed) Oh… yes, of course… our cabins… uhm… actually, maybe I should stay here a while longer… I feel like I am in fairytale-land... I just met a God... I am on cloud nine!
:heartcloud: :heartcloud: :heartcloud:


G.: Shakes his head and leaves.


Narration guy/lady: Candy was left alone, staring out into the night, thinking of her beloved… the love of her life whom she had just met… She felt content. Life was just about to get reeeeaaaaaaalyyyyy interesting!!!
The Tower Scene (Episode 48)

Terry is playing the harmonica outside the tower while Candy listening, in tears.


C: Oh it is so beautiful, do you like it also Clin?


Terry stops playing the harmonica.


T: Wait a minute. Clin is in there? How did he get in?


C: He dug a hole in the ground…


T: He did? Thatʼs great! Where is it?


C: Show him Clin…


Clin appears to Terryʼs side within seconds and take him around the tower to show him his hole. Terry looks disappointed.


T: Too small Freckles, you wonʼt be able to crawl out through this…


C: Oh…


Clink, clink, clink… Terry turns towards the direction the noise is coming from and sees the Conwell brothers arrive with shovels and all kinds of digging tools.


T: Oh look, itʼs the Cornwell duo…


A: (grids teeth) Grandchester…


S: (giggling) Excellent Terry is here, he can help us…


T: To do what?


S: To dig a hole so we can get in the tower and see Candy!


T: Is the whole school coming to help you?


S: No one knows. Why?


T: You are making so much noise with those tools I thought it was some kind of a signal for everyone to know where the hole will be!


A: Ha ha…


S: OK, letʼs get to work…


C: What is happening Terry?


T: Your dear cousins had the same idea the racoon had…!


A: Ha ha…


S: (starts digging) Come on guys the sooner we finish digging the sooner we will be able to get in the tower to see her.


T: Oh, so you are just gonna dig this hole to visit her and then come out again and… close it?


S: And no one will ever know…Isnʼt it brilliant?


T: What do you know… And hereʼs silly me thinking that you were doing it to get her out of there…


Both Cornwells are looking at him with their mouths open. Clin very excitedly starts pulling at their pants to start digging.


S: What an excellent idea! Get her out, yes… thatʼs what we are going to do!


The Cornwells are taking turns to digging and taking the dirt out of the hole while Terry entertains them by playing the harmonica. Finally, just before dawn, Candy guided by Cling crawls out of the tower and falls into Terryʼs open arms.


A: Great! We did all the dirty work, while he was playing his organ only to have her come out of the tower and fall into his arms!


S: Aaaahh! Lʼamour…


T: Letʼs go pack before everyone wakes up, Freckles, we are leaving this hellhole today… together… just you and me…


C: Oh Terry… But we canʼt leave just you and me… we have to take Clin with us!


T: Better that to have to take your cousins…


Narration lady/guy: Terry and Candy are leaving the school to start their lives together. The Cornwell brothers couldnʼt be any happier for them… at least Stear couldnʼt. Archie, judging by the way he was gritting his teeth, would have given an arm and a leg to have been in Terryʼs place.


Terry and Candy lived happily ever after… Mizuki is still sulking because this was a happy ending. The chipie never appeared in this story.
At the Port (Episode 48)

Terry is on the deck of the Mauritania, ready to enter his cabin, when the early morning breeze carries a beloved voice calling his name. Startled, he looks back towards the ever receding port.


T: (surprised) Oh, I just thought I heard her voice calling me! (He bows his head, resigned) Itʼs probably because we met on this ship…

He enters his cabin but canʼt get that cry out of his head so a minute later he gets up and runs to the very back of the ship and stands there along with other passengers watching Englandʼs shore diminish slowly as the ship heads steadily to America.


A red spot at the edge of the pier catches his attention.


T: (Surprised) It cannot be!


He looks around frantically and sees a guy watching some seagulls through his binoculars. Without asking for permission Terry grabs the binoculars still strapped around the manʼs neck and looks through them. The man complains while he tries to pull his binoculars back and straighten his neck, but Terry pays no attention to him.


Man 1: (Exasperated) I was watching those seagulls, you know!


T: (angrily, still looking through the binoculars) I am watching the love of my life, do you mind shutting up?


Pure, overwhelming joy to see her and crashing sadness to be so far away from her grip him all at once.


T: (aloud but without realizing it) Candy…! You came to the port… you came to say goodbye…! (Smiles sadly, still watching her through the binoculars). My love… I would give anything to be there… to hold you…!


Man 2: Good God man, you donʼt mean to say you left the love of your life back in that port, do you?


T: (surprised, turns to his right to see a bearded old man, staring at him sideways, but does not say anything)


M2: I did that once and lived to regret it! Never saw her again since! How do you hope to spend the rest of your life without her? Do you have any idea whatʼs out there? You might never see her again (Terryʼs eyes open wide in horror), or you might remain alone for the rest of your life (Terry shivers with fear) or even worse… you might be snatched by a chipie (Terry is now completely creeped out)


T: (frightened) A Chipie? What the hell is one of them?


M2: Believe me, young man, you do not want to ever meet one of those let alone be snatched by one!!!


T: (really frightened) Oh my god!


He looks around him frantically not knowing what to do. He looks through the binoculars again at the ever diminishing Candy then it comes to him and without lingering to think he looks over the railing at the water beneath. No good. Too high! He pulls the binoculars off M1ʼs still protesting head and starts running towards the stairs to the lower decks. Once he reaches the lower above sea-level deck he runs to the side of the ship and ignoring the curious onlookers, plunges into the sea!


T: (in shock) Damn this is cold! (He starts swimming towards the port paying no attention to the frightened cries of the passengers that had seen him jump.)


Sailor: (from the ship) MAN OVERBOARD!


T: (in pain, as something heavy hits him on the head) Aaaouch!!! What the bloody hell…? (He turns around to see a life jacked floating next to him).


S: (yells) Hold on to it, weʼll pull you up!


T: (yelling exasperated while rubbing his head) You idiots, I am not trying to drown, I am trying to get back to the shore!


Terry, swears badly when he sees a couple of sailors lowering a small boat to the sea. He turns around and starts swimming harder towards the port. He stops again as another idea hits him – quite remarkable if you think how cold every part of his body is, including his brain.


T: (starts pretending to be drowning, dramatically). Hurry, HURRY!


They start rowing faster towards him till they finally catch up with him and help him onto the boat. He wraps himself with the blanket they hand him then suddenly grabs one of the spare oars and with a couple of quick hits he throws the men in the sea. Then before they have time to react he sits down and starts rowing fast away from them and towards the shore.


T: (yells, waving one hand at them) Thank you, mateys!!! I will get back much faster now!


Terry notices that quite a crowd has made it to the back of the ship watching his rescue with interest, while the ship seems to have stopped. He grabs the megaphone in the boat and addresses to the crowd.


T: (talking loudly through the megaphone) Ladies and Gentlemen, I am not trying to drown myself. I made a terrible mistake and left England, leaving the love of my life behind! She is back there at that port and I am going back to her! I LOVE HER! I canʼt go through life without her!


T: (in liberating screaming) WOOOOHOOOO!


A big cheer goes up in the air from the crowd and Terry, sure that his stage career just started, gets up and takes a deep theatrical bow at them. He lingers just long enough to see the two sailors being pulled back on the ship safely, then starts rowing towards the port with vigor.


Several minutes of intense rowing later, however, he is as miserable as he can be. He is sweating despite his still wet clothes clinging on him in the morning chill, he is out of breath (I will… never… smoke… a single… cigarette… again – EVER…!) and his arms feel like they are about to detach from his shoulders! He does not stop, however, for more than a few seconds at a time, just to look through the binoculars to check whether Candy is still at the edge of the pier, before he starts rowing again.


T: (doubtfully) (to himself) What if… itʼs not Candy… that red dot… you saw from the… ship?


T: (determined) (to himself) It does NOT matter, I am NOT leaving without her!!!


He stops to check again on Candy and he is happy to realize he has covered half the distant to the shore…


T: (scornfully) (to himself) Idiot… what on earth possessed you to leave without her…now shut up and row!


A few minutes later and while he is not sure how much more rowing he can manage before he collapses, he stops again to check on Candy. He is really near the shore now and he can see her clearly. She wipes her eyes (Oh my God, she is crying!) then gets up, waves at him (he waves back smiling) then he watches her astonished, as she turns around and starts walking down the pier towards the port.


T: (yelling) Hey…! STOP! Did you not just see me? You waved at me! (He turns around and sees that the ship is no longer visible. So it was the ship she was waving at!)


T: (astounded) So she is leaving?! You are having a giggle…! She is leaving now I am almost there… ?!?!


Panicking he looks around him – is he going to get there sooner if he swims the distant? No, his arms are almost dead he will go straight to the bottom!


T: (after some more quick thinking, he yells through the megaphone again) DONʼT YOU DARE TAKE ANOTHER STEP, FRECKLES!!!


Still looking through the binoculars he sees her stopping and looking back and out towards the sea. He laughs as he imagines her perplexed face. She walks back to the edge of the pier. He waves at her.


T: (yelling through the megaphone) WAIT RIGHT THERE!




Her cry is music to his ears and sitting down and gritting his teeth, he starts rowing again but itʼs all he can do not to groan with pain with every stroke.


T: (out of breath) Man… the irony if… I reach the… shore… just in time… to die… from exhaustion… in her arms…! (thinks about that for a seconds and smiles) Nah… it will… be… worth it…!


He turns to look at her again. She is waving at him madly, crying out his name…. which of course has attracted another little crowd around her.


T: (rolling his eyes) Great! Another show today!


He starts rowing again but he only manages a few strokes this time before he gives up completely exhausted. He looks towards her and almost starts crying from relief when he sees that she had jumped into a boat herself and someone is rowing her out to him.


C: (yells, through her hands) Hold on, Terry…! We are coming to get you!


T: (after a deep sigh of relief) Oh, thank God for that! No more rowing!


A couple of minutes later they reach him. She jumps onto his boat and he is waiting smiling to take her into his arms… to hold her and finally feel at home… to be comforted after the ordeal he had been through… Aaahhh! It will be bliss!


He opens his arms to receive her but… he sits back on his bench stunned and rubbing his chin which had just received a blow from her tiny fist!




T: (angry) So that is the ʽthank youʼ I get for rowing my arms off to come back to you?


C: Serves you right leaving me in that hellhole - and making me think you left me - and you did it for me - and you will be praying for my happiness, my foot - how did you ever think I will ever be happy without you – and I love you you presumptuous punk - why did you leave without me eh why - if I was not so happy you came back Iʼd beat you up good… (she finally stops to take a breath, glares at him for a few more seconds then finally falls into his arms, crying)


T: (after groaning in pain) I love you too, Freckles…


They hold each other for a few minutes.


T: (relieved) I couldnʼt do it, Freckles… I could not leave without you…. I thought I could but… I canʼt…. I just heard you calling me and lost my head… And that old man scared the daylights out of me… life without you would be a nightmare… what if a chipie snatched me…


C: (looking up at him, perplexed) A chipie? What the hell is one of them?


Terry: (scratching his head) You know…? I donʼt know! But it sounds really scary, doesnʼt it! Well (he shrugs then regrets doing it as it hurt) we are together now so thankfully we wonʼt ever find out!!! (He hugs her tight, despite the pain.) I will never leave you again my Lady Freckles…!


Candy: (serious, pointing a finger in frond of his face) You bet your cute butt, you wonʼt!!!


T: (whistles) So little Miss Prude has checked out my butt!


C: (mumbles while blushing scarlet) Dunnowhatyoutalkinabout…


Terry laughs then leans over and kisses her passionately. They are very near the shore now and the crowd Candyʼs cries had gathered earlier breaks into applause, whistling and cries of joy!


Terry and Candy break apart giggling then turn to look at the cheering crowd. They both take theatrical bows at them which causes even more cheering, then they jump onto the pier. People congratulate them all around and wish them happiness. Amidst such joy and merriment, Terry grabs Candy and kisses her once again, which of course causes the crowd to applaud and cheer louder…



Narration guy/lady: The first rays of the sun appeared at that moment to completely dispel the remaining mist of the grey morning… to turn the day into the most beautiful one for Terry and Candyʼs lives so far…and to guide them into a bright future together…


Terry and Candy lived happily ever after and never found out what a chipie was…
Meeting at the Hospital (Episode 80)

Terry is waiting for Candy impatiently at the station in Chicago.


T: Come on, what are you doing, did you not get my note?


S: Come on Terry letʼs get into the train now.


T: You know… I donʼt think I will…


S: What do you mean… Terry…?!


Terry is walking fast towards Robert Hathaway. Susanna is watching him anxiously. She knows that he is waiting for that… that… Candy, and she wishes she could make the train leave straight away. Preferably with Terry on it!


Terry after a quick chat with Robert Hathaway and looking very excited he turns and gets on the train hurriedly.


S: (thinking) Oh, finally he is in there! I must find a way to keep him in till this train lea…


Terry appears again at the train door and jumps off it carrying his bags.


S: Terry what are you doing, we are leaving in a little while…


T: Have a nice trip…


S: What do you mean… Terry? She watches him get out of the station at a run, with her mouth hanging open.


Terry jumps in a carriage and tells the driver to take him to St Joanʼs hospital as fast as he can.


Cab Driver: What is the rush? Are you hurt?


T: No, I am in labor if this is any of your business… MOVE, WILL YOU?


CB: Gee…


They are speeding through the city and finally arrive at the hospital. Terry shoots out of the carriage and into the reception area.


Nurse 1: Yes sir, can I help you?


T: I need to see a nurse…


N1: You are seeing one right now… how can I help you?


T: Not you… another nurse, I mean I …


N: Are you hurt?


T: No, I ….


N: Are you in pain?


T: No, I…


N: Then I am afraid no nurse will be able to see you today sir, have a nice day.


Terry is taking a few deep breaths to try and remain polite.
“Thatʼs it, keep it together Grandchester, you will be seeing her in a little while”.


T: Look. I really need to see Nurse Candice White Ardlay. I cannot even begin to describe how much I need to see Nurse Candice White Ardlay. Please could you tell me where she is?


N: Are you her relative?


T: What the hell has that got to do with anything?


N: Only relatives are allowed to see the nurses during working hours and only if it is for a serious reason…


Terry was losing it.


T: (gritting his teeth) OK, who is your supervisor, show me right now!


N1: Sure, itʼs Nurse Flammy Hamilton over there, sir.


Terry turns to walk to the person she is pointing and stops short as he sees the same bespectacled bat that made his life miserable when he came looking for Candy the night before. Deciding that the world was against him, he turns sharply back to the nurse in reception.


T: OK, I will give you one more chance before I go to your su…


N2: Ah Doctor… welcome! (another nurse appears, grabs Terryʼs hand and starts shaking it vigorously). We have been expecting you, what a pleasure it is to have you in our hospital. Iʼm Judith.


Terry recognizes the newcomer as one of the two other nurses that was in reception the night before and who had tried to help him.


J: (Turning to N1) Thank you, Jane, I will show the Doctor the way. (N1 is looking at Judith in disbelief but does not say anything)


The nurse is pulling him from the sleeve towards the front door. She shoves a white robe and a pair of glasses in his hands and a board with a few sheets attached to it with some medical looking… stuff on it.


J: Put them on and wait in the front garden… by the magnolia tree… quick before Flammy turns around…


T: OK. Uh… thanks! But she was gone already. He is walking out of the front door towards the garden when he hears the announcement on the speaker.


J: (on the speaker) “Nurse Ardlay, proceed to the front desk, please. Dr… uh… Andsom has arrived for you.”


C: (upon hearing the announcement she lifts her head from under a patientʼs bed where she was trying to empty a catheter) Dr who???


Candy finishes quickly with her patient and dashes to reception.


C: Judith… who is…


J: Yes… Candy, the doctor is waiting for you in the garden… by the magnolia tree.


Candy is perplexed, intrigued and very curious. She runs to the tree and sees…






They both step forward to hug each other but there are a lot of patients, nurses and visitors around and they think better of it.


T: Candy, did you not get my note, why did you not come to the station?


C: I did, but the train was already gone! I thought I missed you… again!


T: Well, I am here now Freckles!


They look at each other sweetly, then they realize that people are looking at them. Candy looks away and Terry adjusts his glasses and turns the pages of his board.


T: Yes… this all looks very good, nurse… very good indeed… our patient should be ready to get out of here… what time?


C: Huh?


T: What time is this patient
getting out tonight nurse?


C: Oh… about 9pm.


T: 9pm?! Canʼt you get out earlier? I mean… can he be released any earlier than that? He might want to go to dinner…


C: He canʼt… he sneaked out to go to the theatre last night… he will have to make up for that time by staying another sh… day…


T: Damn it all to hell!


A couple of nurses and visitors turn to look at him indignantly.


T: I mean, if he is not responding then we will have to treat him with… with… (he turns the pages of the board again) sneakoutagain…ition?


C: I am afraid he wonʼt be able to respond to that treatment if he wants to remain at this hospital.


T: Well… hell! I am only going to be in town for another 24 hours if he does not respond to sneakoutagainition what am I going to do?


C: I would suggest we wait until 9pm and see how it goes.


T: And what am I going to do from now till 9pm?


C: (whispers) Well, since you are in the hospital you might want to have your ears checked!


T: My ears???


C: (in angry whisper) If you have heard me screaming myself hoarse last night while standing 4 feet away from you, we would not be in this situation now!!!


T: (in angrier whisper) Oh yeah? I donʼt know if you noticed but there were about 20 other g…people there screaming themselves hoarse also and they were in closer proximity than you! It was impossible to hear anything…


C: Ha! You sure heard what
Susanna whispered to you, I saw you smiling at her!


T: (perplexed) Who???


C: That weasel-looking blond who played … whoever you asked to marry in the play! Did you not leave with her last night? If you had not been so interested to hear what she was whispering, you might have heard me…


T: Susanna Marlowe?


C: Goodness, I can almost hear the honey trickling down your chin while saying her name…


T: You cannot be serious…


C: I am seriously serious, Mister! And then her being so adamant not to disturb you last night while you were supposedly
sleeping! Did she help you tuck in?


T: What the bloody hell are you talking about???


C: I am talking about the time I came to see you in your hotel last nigh, how anxious she was that no
fan of yours disturbed your peace! I bet she could not get rid of me fast enough to get back into your room!!!


T: You donʼt know what you are talking about!!!


C: Oh, I donʼt, do I?


They eye each other angrily ignoring the onlookers who are now watching them aghast!

T: Do you want to go out with me tonight or what?


C: WHAT! I mean NO! You can go out with your precious Susie-weasel!






Terry thrusts the board and glasses in Candyʼs hands and then gets the robe out and throws it on the ground in front of her.


T: FINE!!! I am leaving then!


Terry turns and walks towards the main entrance of the hospital.


C: (pointing to the hospitalʼs main gate to the street) THE EXIT IS




He turns and walks out to the main street. Candy turns on her heels, sticks her nose in the air and marches into the hospital.


Terry marches angrily down the road for a few minutes thinking.


T: I donʼt believe it! I just donʼt believe it! I left a perfectly good reception party last night to go see her, I had to fight with that four-eyed vulture in there to tell me where she was, I froze my butt off waiting for her all night outside the stupid hospital thinking only how pretty she would look in her white uniform, I leave my job to stay here one more day just to see her in her white uniform and what is she doing? She tells me I have to have my ears examined because I did not hear her screaming last night in the middle of a screaming crowd!!! (he stops abruptly, turns towards the hospital and points at it angrily) I did hear you young missy, I just did not see you!


C: (in his head)
So you need your eyes check too!!!


T: (aloud) Oh shut up, Freckles!


A couple of passersby look at him inquisitively and he glares at them.


T: WHAT?!?!


They shake their heads and walk on.


T: (thinking) How the hell was I supposed to know that she was there anyway?! Was I supposed to have read the tea leaves to know that she was not in England anymore but working as a nurse in a hospital in Chicago, that she sneaked out of her shift risking dismissal last night to come and see me, that it was her indeed I thought I heard screaming in the middle of the screaming mob, that she went to the hotel to find me afterwards and met Susanna who God only knows what she told her…


T: (Aloud) OH. MY. GOD!


He turns on the spot and runs back at the hospital.


Candy in the meantime marched all the way to the third floor before she stood to catch her breath. She was still holding the board and the glasses and she hurriedly throws them on a medical cart without caring what else might be on it. She was still seething.

C: (Thinking) I just canʼt believe that after all Iʼve been through last night to see him he was waiting for me outside the hospital and now he left his job to come and see me and spend some time with me…


C: (aloud) OH. MY. GOD!


She suddenly understands there is some sort of emergency going on because nurses and doctors are rushing about around her so fast they create a breeze that raffles her hair. But she stays rooted to her spot and watches everything as if in slow motion.


Meanwhile, Terry arrives back at the reception desk.


N3: Yes sir, can I help you?


T: I need to have my ears and eyes examined.


N3: Do you have an appointment?


T: No I…


Judith: Oh doctor …uh… Andsom! You are back! Would you like to see the same nurse or any of our nurses will do this time?


T: The same one, please… where is she?


J: I believe she must have reached the roof and taken off by now judging by the way she was shooting up those stairs…


T: Thank you… Judith isnʼt it? You are an angel, thank you!


He turns to leave, then spins around again and grabbing Judith by the elbows he deposits a swift kiss on her lips. He then leaves her and starts climbing the stairs she pointed at, 3 at the time not even bothering to look behind him to see what the sudden commotion was all about. He stops on the third floor to catch his breath and spots Candy about 10 feet away from him looking at him in disbelief.


C: You are back…


T: Yes, I forgot to tell you…


C: What?


T: I forgot to tell you… how beautiful you look in white…


C: Oh… thank you! I forgot to tell you that… you were wonderful last night…


T: (mockingly) Oh…!?


C: (blushing scarlet) in the play… I mean in the play…


T: (chuckling) Of course, what else? So… Will you go out with me tonight?


C: (smiling) I will…


T: OK. Iʼll pick you up at 9 by the front door…


C: OK…


They look at each other for a few seconds smiling then at the same time they run to each otherʼs arms and lock themselves tightly in each otherʼs arms ignoring the havoc around them.


Narration lady/guy: Candy and Terry are finally together. It was as if their embrace tightened the bonds that bounded them together from the moment they met on that ship a year and a half earlier. Now nothing can separate them again…


Three floors below them, two doctors and five nurses are still trying to revive Judith…
The Train Scene (Episode 80)

Terry is waiting impatiently in the platform of Chicago station for Candy.


T: (thinking): Come on, what are you doing, did you not get my note? Why did I ever leave from that hospital this morning, why? Stupid, stupid, stupid…


S: Terry, shall we get inside the train now, itʼs getting ready to leave.


T: You can get in if you want, Susanna, I promise I wonʼt try to stop you.


S: (thinking): OMG, he is waiting for that Candy! I absolutely must get him inside the train just in case she comes!


S: But… I can't go alone!


T: Why, canʼt you walk?


S: I canʼt go inside if you are out here!


T: You are saying this as if I am keeping you chained out here with me.


S: Terry… come on, letʼs go inside.


T: (annoyed) What is your problem??? I am waiting for someone, OK?


S: (thinking): Oh no, oh no, oh no...


They hear the whistle blow at that moment.


S: (thinking) “Oh thank God, he will have to come inside now”. Come on, Terry letʼs go in…


T: Oh, for goodness sake...


Terry gets on the train and it starts moving.


T: (thinking) Candy…


Susanna is watching him from inside the train.


S: (thinking) He is still thinking about her. I saw her last night, she is nothing to look at. Oh, what shall I do?


S: Terry, itʼs not safe to stand on the deck wonʼt you…


T: Oh, will you just shut UP! What is your problem?


S: (starts crying). Oh, Terry I…






She sees Candy running beside the train calling Terryʼs name who now smiles and looks very happy! Susanna is shuttered. But she is not giving up, she tries again.


S: Terry, come in to the tr…




S: Oh Terry… (she starts crying. Terry looks at her sideways.) I love you Terry… I want you to be with me not her… (she stretches her hands towards him).


Terry looks at her incredulously then shakes his head.


S: What Terry… no…


Terry turns his back on her and sees Candy in the distance sitting on the grass waving at him. Suddenly the train passes in front of a large pond. An idea crosses his head momentarily and he does not ponder on it at all.


T: I am getting off this train…




Terry jumps into the water, but…


T: Darn… it did not look
that shallow…


S: Nooooooooooooooooooooo……..


Terry sits up and starts rubbing his nose, his forehead, his knees and a few other places on his body that hurt. His nose is actually bleeding. He hears her frantic voice…


C: (bending over him to examine him) Terry… Terry, are you OK?


T: (still trying to stop his nosebleed and rubbing his head) No, I am bloody not OK!


C: Oh Terry… (she throws herself in his arms and is holding him tight.) Terry I canʼt believe you just jumped of the train…


T: (Hugging her back tight). I just could not leave without seeing you Freckles!


C: Oh Terry… (they hug again sitting in the dirty water).


S: (thinking while watching them and sobbing hysterically) Terry I canʼt live without you, I canʼt … I canʼt let her have you… NO! I am going to get you out of her grasp…


C: Terry you are still bleeding you need to see someone who can help!


T: Gee, I wish a nurse was around…


C: OK, wait here I will go get one, the hospital is not very far…


T: I suppose you should know how far it is… you work there!


C: Oh… Yes!


At that moment a sickening noise, as if a large squashy something had hit the ground with force, came from the direction the train was going.

T: What the hell was that now?

C: No idea. Who cares! You are here! With me!


T: I am here Freckles! And I am not leaving you again. You will take a transfer to a hospital in New York and come and live with me. You can take a transfer canʼt you?


C: I canʼt, but I am sure Uncle William can… Terry... will you kiss me?


T: I thought youʼd never ask, my Freckles!


C&T kiss passionatelly.


Narration guy/lady: Terry and Candy were together at last. They felt the indestructible, imperishable, unbreakable, unyielding bond between them strengthen even more now that they were together. The future looked bright.


Susanna Marlowe thought she loved Terry and she attempted to jump of the train to take him off Candyʼs arms. What she failed to realize was that the indestructible, imperishable, unbreakable, unyielding bond between Candy and Terry was indeed indestructible, imperishable, unbreakable and unyielding; and that she would not have managed to take Terry away from Candy even if she had realized when she decided to jump, that the train had now moved from the pond to concrete ground.


Her funeral was held 3 days later… she died unhappy...
After the stairs… (Episode 99)

Candy is running down the stairs to leave and Terry is running after her.


Terry: Candy!!!


He catches up with her and wraps his arms around her waist holding her tight.


T: (whispers) I donʼt want to let you go… let time stand still this way… this way forever…


Candy: Terry…


T: (crying) Donʼt say anything… If only time could stand still…


C: (crying) Terry… my Terry is crying… Terry, the man that I love, the man who loves me… I canʼt believe that we are separating this way…


T: Be happy… be happy Candy…or else, I wonʼt forgive you…


C: You too, Terry…


Candy turns and walks away. Terry is left with his hands outstretched towards her…


T (thinking):
This is it? She is leaving? I wonʼt ever see her again? (the thought positively terrifies him)


T: Candy -


He starts running after her but forgets he is still on the stairs and misses a step!!!


T: (frustrated, as he lands hard on his butt and pain shoots through his left ankle)
F#&*, s*#&, godamnit all to bloody hell!!!!!


C: (turns around and sees him on the floor, evidently in pain) Oh my God, Terry! What happened? (runs back to him and starts taking off his shoe to see the damage)


T: (grinding teeth angrily)
F#&*, s*#&, b&*#x@, p$#*!!!


Two nurses appear by their side to his assistance.


Nurse 1: Oh my goodness, what happened?


T: What does it look like,
damn it?


Nurse 2: Is it broken or just sprained?


T: (angrily) You are the damn nurse, you tell me!!!!!


C: (worried as his ankle is clearly damaged, turns to the nurses) Please could you fetch a chair? We need to get him to the emergency room at once!


N1&N2: Yes, of course. (Neither of them moves; they are still crouching on each of Terryʼs side, gawping at him)


C: Uhm…
NOW would be a good time!


N2: (nods to N1) You go!


N1: No, you go, you know where they are.


N2: You know where they are too, you go, I am busy!


N1: Oh yeah, what are you busy with, gawping?


T: (yells, angrily)


N1&N2 jump up and run in opposite directions.


T: (closes his eyes and grids teeth with all his might to stop himself starting crying like a girl)


C: (very worried) Does it hurt?


T: (opens eyes and looks at her desperately) It hurts… though not as badly as my heart…


C: (whispers) Terry…


Both nurses reappear with 2 chairs. Candy helps Terry up and both nurses trying to get him to sit in their chair. Terry ignores them and sits in the one nearer to him, the chair of N1, who promptly starts pushing him towards the emergency room. N2, dumps her chair on the spot and follows them sullenly.


The attending physician examines Terryʼs ankle.


Doctor: Itʼs only sprained, fortunately. I will put it back together and tie it. You then need to absolutely not step on it for 3 days, and do not tire it at all for the next 10. It should be fine after that…


T: (bitterly) Oh thatʼs fine! We only have the Press night at the theatre tomorrow night! I will just have to…
miss it! I get to premiere

ʽRomeoʼ on Broadway every day after all, no big deal!!!


C: (in a low voice) Terry, I am so sorry…


T: (sighs resigned) See it this way… Nothing worse can happen anymore…


C: (in tears) Terry…


T: (looks at her) Please donʼt cry… (Reaches out to touch her face)


C: (pulls back to avoid his touch)


T: (pulls his hand back, hurt)


They are looking at each other in intense desperation for a few seconds while the doctor massages Terryʼs ankle and the nurses are still busy gawping at him.


C: (in a low voice) I suppose I should be going…


T: (bitterly, while looking at the ceiling) Sure, go ahead! Now I cannot even run after you…


C: (bits her lips to check the tears while picking up her coat)


D: Done! Nurse hand me some bandages, please.


Neither of them moves.




Both nurses snap out of it and hand the doctor masses of bandages.


D: (rolling his eyes at his nurses, talks to Terry) Remember what I said. Go home and rest it. (Turns to the nurses again). Please fetch a pair of crutches for him.


This time both nurses disappear at once.


D: I will get you some painkillers too, in case you need them.


T: I wonʼt be needing them… I actually welcome the physical pain tonight, the more the better…


The doctor looks at him sadly then turns and leaves the room.


Terry avoids looking at Candy who is ready to leave but does not make a move. A few minutes pass in silence.


C: I… I will help you to get a carriage and…


T: (bitterly) Please, donʼt go out of your way on my behalf… I will manage…


The doctor comes back accompanied by the two nurses (who strangely are both in their heavy coats) each bringing a pair of crutches. Anxious to get out of there, Terry grabs the pair of the nurse nearer to him (to N2ʼs great delight) and starts hopping towards the door.


D: (giving him a box of medication while looking at him kindly) Physical pain may be a good diversion from the emotional one… but it can be mighty irritating too. Take the meds, they will really help… with both kinds of pain.


T: (nodding gratefully to the doctor for the quiet support while pocketing the meds) Thank you…


D: My nurses have also kindly offer to accompany you home, to make sure you are comfortable and that you have everything you need…(looking severely at the nurses) ONE of them can come with you…


T: Very kind of them, but that wonʼt be necessary…


N1: (steps forward eagerly) I will accompany you, Sir…


T: No, really there is no need…


N2: (steps even more forward than N1 and even more eagerly) actually, she cannot accompany you at all, she is not qualified, Emily here only works at the lab…


T: (at the end of his tether) I donʼt care, I donʼt need…


N1 (Emily): (pushing N2 aside, angrily) Oh shut it, Hope, you are not qualified either, you failed your test, last month!!!


Emily & Hope are eyeing each other angrily, the Doctor and Terry both are losing their tempers, and Candy sensing Terry is about to lose it, steps forward positioning herself between Terry and the nurses.


C: (calmly) Actually, I am a qualified nurse myself, so I will see him home safely, you donʼt need to worry.


Both of them throw evil looks at Candy, which agitates Terry more.


T: (looks at the nurses, furious) Out of my way, the pair of you! (neither moves)
NOW!!!! (both of them jump out of his way and he hops to the door, Candy right behind him).


Terry makes his way awkwardly down the hallway towards the exit, Candy right behind him, both nurses following her.


T: (almost out of breath) I will manage Candy… you donʼt have to wait… for me.


C: Stop being so stubborn Terry! I am going the same way as you anyway, I have to go pick up my staff from the hotel… I will help you home!


T: (stops and turns to look at her) Candy…


C: Oh donʼt… It will be better for you if I leave Terry… the sooner the better…


T: (incredulously)




Terry turns around to see Susanna hopping towards him and Candy. She pushes Candy aside without looking at her and grabs Terry around the waist, her crutches still under her arms.


S: (sobbing loudly) What happened dearest, whatʼs wrong with your foot?


T: (impatiently) I sprained an ankle Susanna, is this reason enough for crying like this?


S: (still sobbing) I hate to see you suffering, dearest…


T: I suggest you get used to it, Susanna…


S: (sobbing harder) Oh my Terry… I know you are suffering because Candy left you… I hate it… (shakes her head, while sobbing still harder) Donʼt mind me Terry… Go! Run after her! You still have time, you may be able to persuade her to stay,


T: (with an ironic laugh) Very auspicious of you to suggest so now you know I cannot even walk at the moment let alone run…


S: (looks down at his foot) what a shame… oh well… (looks up at him, smiling) Well!!! You can stay here with me tonight… since you canʼt walk… Yes, thatʼs it!!! We can ask for an extra bed to be put in my room so we can spend our first night together… since we are together now, you and I… Just imagine, darling… wonʼt that be wonderful for us?


Candy looks at the scene, heartbroken but does not say anything. It was ironic… up until a couple of hours ago, she considered Terry
her boyfriend…


T: (looks at Susanna coldly) I am going home… Go back to your room and rest; your escapades in the roof must have tired you gravely, no doubt! (He almost knocks her to the ground when he detaches himself from her and starts walking again. She recovers and hops fast after him)


S: But Terry, think about it, it will be wonderful…


T: (stops and turns to look at her angrily) Susanna! Within the past two hours, my life got totally screwed up! I lost the love of my life and had not had the time to mourn over it yet; I have to come to terms with the fact that I will have to spend the rest of my life with someone I donʼt really like, out of duty alone and I havenʼt had the chance to even begin to grasp the absurdity of it yet; and my precious career took a humongous leap backwards when I was only trying to take a small step forward! All I want is to go home, curl up in my bed, sulk for a few weeks and try to make some sense from all the crap that happened here tonight! Is this so much to ask?


S: No… of course not! But… wonʼt it be better to spend the night with me?


T: (looks at her in disbelief) Do you want me to answer this truthfully or humor you?


C: (finally stepping forward) letʼs go, Iʼll help you home, Terry…


S: (turns and looks at Candy, without a hint of surprise in her face) Oh Candy… I thought you left already… I didnʼt realize it was you, I thought it was one of the nurses…


T: Was it the red dress that confused you?


S: (severely, looking intensely at Candy) I thought you were leaving, Candy…


C: I was… but in the meantime he got hurt, what did you want me to do, just leave him?


S: Well, you canʼt take him at home! He is staying here with me tonight…


C: Did you even hear a word of what he said?


S: I donʼt need to hear what he says! You are not going anywhere near him! He is my boyfriend now, and I wonʼt let you near him, I donʼt trust you!


C: (calmly, even though Susannaʼs words hurt her) You have nothing to fear, Susanna. I am not the kind of girl that goes after other girlsʼ boyfriends.


S: (seething) Are you insinuating something?


C: (innocently) No… (Waves a dismissing hand) Anyway… we need to get going, we are all very tired, I have a long trip ahead of me and Terry needs to go home and rest his f…


S: You are not going anywhere with my fiancé!


C: He was your
boyfriend five minutes ago, now he is your fiancé?


S: It doesnʼt matter what he is, he is staying here with me tonight!


C: I am taking him home to rest!


T: I donʼt suppose
I have a saying on the issue of where I will be spending the rest of this night, do I?


Candy and Susanna look at him blankly.


S: (realizes attitude hasnʼt done her much good so far so she drops it and starts crying) Candy… please! (sob) You said you understood (sob)… I cannot carry on living without him, I may as well be dead (sob)…


C: (looks at Terry anxiously then turns at Susanna) Please calm down Susanna, donʼt say such things … I am leaving tonight, but I have to help him home, donʼt you see?


T: (very irritated) Hang on, hang on… hang on a minute you two, so stupid me can grasp what is going on here! (looks at Susanna)
You decided that you would have me because you cannot go on living without me! (Looks at Candy) and you decided it would be better for me if you leave… (Looks at both of them with evident incredulity on his face) Did either of you spend a millisecond considering how I felt about all this, what was it that I wanted, when you were arranging between you who will have me, as if I were a bag of potatoes on auction?


Candy and Susanna look at him blankly.


T: You know what? I donʼt want to be with either of you! Iʼd rather go home with… Erica here!!!


E: Uhm… Emily…


WHATEVER!!! Since neither of you cares to even consider how I feel and what do I want, I am dumping both of you! Leave me alone!!! (he turns around and starts making his way towards the exit again. Candy and Susanna go after him)


S: (hops after him fast, crying) Terry… please wait, darling! Wait!!!


C: I decided to leave because I understood how much you must be suffering, Terry…


T: I am suffering infinitely more since you said you decided to leave, Candy…


S: (still crying) I am suffering also, this is very difficult for me too… I lost my leg and I love you so…


T: (stops and looks at her, irritated) You are continuously playing the same note Susanna and it becomes tiresome to hear Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi all the time! This really isnʼt about you, itʼs about Candy and me… not that you care…


S: I do, I care about you a lot, darling…


T: Oh yeah? Tell me then how do I feel and what do I want…


S: (smiles widely) Er… uh… why donʼt you tell me darling? To see if I have it right, I mean…


T: (laughs sarcastically) Like you could handle it were I to tell you!


S: I can handle anything as long as you say you love me!


T: (finally snapping) Well, no, I donʼt love you, I wonʼt ever love you no matter what you do, I donʼt even want to try! (pointing to Candy) I fell absolutely, totally, completely, utterly, crazy in love with her the moment I first lay eyes on her two years ago -


S: (covers her ears) I DONʼT WANT TO HEAR THIS…


T: I am immensely grateful to you for saving my life, but just because you did so, does not mean you now own me! (turns to Candy, grabs her and kisses her passionately)


S: (horrified) NO


T: (to a breathless Candy) thatʼs because I was desperately to kiss you at the station yesterday and didnʼt do it because I was preoccupied with her (points at Susanna) -


S: (shakes her head vigorously) STOP IT!!!!


T: (turns to Susanna): I really,
REALLY dislike your mother!


S: (crying hysterically) Why, what did
poor Mamma do to you?


T: (turns to Candy): The idea of spending the rest of my life without you, makes me sick!


T: (turns to Susanna): The idea of spending the rest of my life with you makes me sicker!


S: (throws herself dramatically on the floor still sobbing hysterically) Boooohoooohoooooo….


T: (turns to Candy): I love you more than life itself, Candy… Will you marry me?


Silence… (apart from Susannaʼs hysterical sobbing) Emily and Hope, who have been watching the scene looking from one to another as if they were watching a tennis game, are now awaiting Candyʼs response with baited breath.


C: (nods and whispers through silent tears) Yes…


Terry and Candy look at each other intensely for a few seconds then Terryʼs face relaxes in a faint smile.


Emily and Hope (even thought they both want Terry for themselves) recognize Terry and Candyʼs true love and swoon!


Emily & Hope: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh……


Terry turns to Susanna who is still on the floor crying hysterically.


T: I am sorry, Susanna…


S: You cannot do this, Terry, you cannot leave me…


T: I wonʼt leave you, Susanna, I will support you as much as I can…


S: (raises her head and looks at him angrily through her sobs)
I donʼt want your support, I want you, I love you…


T: But
I donʼt love you, Susanna!


I donʼt care if you love me or not, just donʼt leave me!


T: (coldly) basically, you donʼt give a flying skunkʼs stinking backside about how I feel, as long as you get your way…


Susanna looks at him crying and stretches her hands towards him to hug him but Candy gets between them fast.


S: (angry again) Out of my way, Candy, I am talking to my


C: Uh… Excuse me! I think you will find you are talking to my


Emily & Hope clap smiling widely.


With a satisfied smile, Terry wraps an arm around Candy and she hugs him around his waist.


C: Terry, I am so sorry… I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life… I will never be able to be happy without you…


T: Nor I without you…


Terry and Candy kiss again, to the delight of the two nurses.


Susanna gets up and angrily jumps at Candy but last second she is being pulled back by Emily and Hope who struggle with her but manage to restrain her. The ward Matron suddenly appears.


Ward Matron: Whatʼs all this commotion?


Emily: (wrestling with a hysterical Susanna) she is… trying to… separate them, Maʼam…


Hope: (also wrestling with a hysterical Susanna) What shall… we do with… her, Maʼam?


WM: (dismissively) Take her to the DSD chipie ward. I shall inform Ana Louisa to expect her. I am sure she will take
excellent care of her...


Emily& Hope: Yes Maʼam…


They drag a kicking and screaming Susanna away from the happy couple who is still kissing, oblivious to anything thatʼs going on around them.


Narrator: Terry and Candy narrowly escaped separation by the one-legged chipie and celebrated their nuptials on the next New Yearʼs Day to the delight of fans around the world.


Susanna spent the rest of her life in the DSD chipie ward. Shortly afterwards she was also joined by a Japanese friend of hers who was largely traumatized by Terry and Candyʼs happy ending. Terry offered to pay ALL her expenses on the condition she would be taken care of and would
NEVER be allowed out!


Candy and Terry lived happily ever after, while thousands of fans recover from major childhood traumas caused by the original separation!