Commodore 64 , Telnet BBS


Commodore Vampire
14 Ιαν 2006
Θέλετε να ξαναθυμηθείτε την μαγεία των πρώτων ΒΒS ?

Πάρτε μια, που η λειτουργία της βασίζεται σε CBM 64 !!!

connected to excaliburs stone bbs

dmbbs headquarters

transferring call to the commodore

takes about 20 seconds so hang on

hit delete/backspace>ASCII On!

Welcome To A

Dynamically Modifyable

Bulletin Board System v5.0

I Hope You Enjoy Your Visite!

Your Handle or [G]uest:G

Preparing App...

Welcome To:


Bulletin Board System!

As a new user on the BBS, You will

have limited access to it... But don't

have limited access to it... But don't

possible... I would ask that you leave

me all TRUE information or I reserve

the right to DELETE you without asking

any further questions... The system is

FREE access... That means that you will

not receive a bill at the end of each

session or month for the time you used!

I hope that you will enjoy it and

I believe that for this to happen you

should first go to the libraries and

read the rules and regulations section.

I typed that file for a reason, and it

wasnt my health... Please enjoy...

If you do not understand a question

then enter none or n/a....

The SysOp

Your Handle :GRM

Looking, Please Hold!

Your Location :Greece

Real Name :Shock

Your Age :36

Voice Phone # :+302101234567

Computer Type :Linux_x86

Computer Type :pC

BBS Password :axem

Street Address :Stournarh

City/State/Zip :12345

Years Modeming :24

Got This # From:Inet

Correct Y/N:y

Saving Account... Please Hold.

Info Needed To Log On!

User ID #: xxx

Password :axem

Name :Shock

Phone # :+302101234567


Please Write This Down!

Hit Return>

(μη μπείτε όλοι μαζί και γονατίσει :) )
Ας μπω λοιπον να το "βουλιαξω"! :D
εγω δεν μπαίνω γουάι;;
Δατς γουάϊ... :D

Γεια σου ρε Νικ με τις Ιταλιες σου! :headnangdude:

Ελα gtsamour,λιγες DOS attacks με τα Spectrum μας και τη ριξαμε την BBS! :D