

Retired Admin
19 Ιαν 2006
Eν αναμονη της Siggraph 2008 μερικα info για την επερχομενη GP-GPU της Intel.






Πηζω αυτη τη στιγμη αλλα θα επανελθω με ενα ρεζουμέ...
To puzzle αρχιζει να "κολλαει" μαλλον points to an article at EE Times Asia with a partial overview of the approaches to multicore as highlighted by Intel and Microsoft at the recent IDF
"Microsoft stressed its vision for placing new layers to its system software stack and point extensions to its .Net environment. Meanwhile, Intel said it plans to have extensions to its x86 instruction set and has shown progress on Ct, extensions to the C++ language with an objective of supporting greater parallelism."

Of course, Microsoft is focusing on the plumbing to make parallelism easier to get at and easier to get at advantageously

"The underlying software plumbing needs an overhaul before such work can begin. [David Callahan, who leads Microsoft's parallel computing initiative] noted the next systemʼs software will be much more layered into separate elements including new runtime environments that sit in a user space below application libraries and above hypervisors and the core OS kernel."

The runtime environments will act as schedulers, working cooperatively with hypervisors that map virtual to physical resources and OSes that manage access to physical hardware. [Ι]“This represents a refactoring of traditional OS services,”[/i] he added.

Intelʼs focus is generally at a higher level (applications versus the OS), and at IDF evidently they emphasized their language work

"On the language front, Intel talked about Ct, an extension of C++ for multicore processors. The language seeks to automate the job of splitting processing tasks across many cores without the programmer knowing the details of x86 architecture.


The language delivers 1.7 to 3.7 times performance speed on code running on four processor systems, according to data shown by Anwar Ghuloum, principal engineer, corporate technology group, Intel. Ct was initially geared toward Intelʼs general purposed Nehalem quad core chips, but is now up and running on its prototype 16-core Larrabee graphics processors."
Περισοτερα εδω
Θείο,επειδη δεν καταλαβα γρί ο Λαραμπής είναι καλύτερος απο τον Cell ;....... :D
Ο Λαραμπης ειναι GPGPU ενω ο Cell CPU ;)

Δηλαδης ο Σελλ(ινος) θελει GPU αφου δεν διαθετει "gpu logic" ενω ο (Χα)Λαραμπης ειναι παληκαρι και τα βγαζει περα και μοναχος του.

Αλλα εισαι τεμπελοπουλος και δεν διαβαζεις τα links που ποσταρω εξου και οι αποριες :p
Μαλιστα τα διαβασα τα λινκ και εβγαλα συμπερασματα.

Ο "Larabeeς" βασιζεται

-εχει κλεψει ιδεες-μιμειται
πανω στον "Ceλη". :p

Comparison with the Cell Broadband Engine

Larrabee's philosophy of using many small, simple cores has similarities to the ideas behind the Cell processor. However, there are differences in implementation.

  • The Cell processor includes one main processor which controls many smaller processors. In contrast, all of Larrabee's cores are the same, which can be useful for various purposes such as load balancing and task migration.[7]

  • Cell and Larrabee both use a ring bus to communicate between cores.[7]

  • Each of the Cell's SPEs has a local store which is managed explicitly, and they cannot directly access main memory. In Larrabee each core can access all memory through the automatically-managed coherent cache hierarchy.[7].

  • Because of cache coherence, each program running in Larrabee has virtually a large linear memory just as in traditional general-purpose CPU. In contrast, an application for CELL should be programmed taking into consideration limited memory footprint (256KB) of the local store associated with each SPE, making it more difficult to develop programs.

  • Cell uses DMA for flexible data transfer to/from on-chip local memories; whereas Larrabee uses special instructions for cache manipulation (notably cache eviction hints and pre-fetch instructions), which have a notable advantage in that we can maintain general [memory hierarchy|cache coherence] while increasing performance for e.g. rendering pipelines and related stream-like computation.
Τι διαφορες βρε Aardy?Του ριχνει στη κεφαλα απο οτι φαινονται και στα bullets που ποσταρες :)

Kαι αν λαβουμε και υποψιν το γεγονος οτι το scalability του ειναι αναιμακτο (σε αντιθεση με το Cell οπου το κοστος και η πολυπλοκοτητα ανεβαινουν εκθετικα οσο προστιθενται core-ς...) και η προσθεση cores εχει, λενε ,linear αποτελεσματα (οχι οπως τα crossfire και τα λοιπα κολπα) τοτε..."οποιος το λαβει,τον κυριον ειδε" :D :D

Ενα απο τα πολλα που δεν μπορω να καταλαβω με το φτωχο μου μυαλο ειναι πως η Intel θα πολεμησει την καταναλωση (αν μαλιστα παει στο φημολογουμενο 32cores-2Ghz setup) ωστε να της επιτρεπει να το βαλει σε κονσολα...
To Enemy Territory: Quake Wars re-done ως raytraced απο την Intel.

Βλεπω τo Larrabee να πλησιαζει (ευχαριστα) επικινδυνα! Αντε θελουμε καινουργιο ΧΒΟΧ τελη 2009 ρεεεεεε!

"Intel released the article 'Quake Wars Gets Ray Traced' (PDF) which details the development efforts of the research team that applied a real-time ray tracer to Enemy Territory: Quake Wars . It describes the benefits and challenges of transparency textures with this rendering technology. Further insight is given into what special effects are most costly. Examples of glass and a 3D water implementation are shown. The outlook hints into the area of freely programmable many-core processors, like Intel's upcoming Larrabee, that might be able to handle such a workload."
Kαμμια φωτο δεν παιζει;;;;;;; #)
Βρε τεμπελχανοπουλε δεν διαβασες το PDF?

Η αληθεια ειναι οχι ,αν πατησω το λινκ και περιμενω να ανοιξει το pdf ,εφαγα κανα 5λεπτο. #)

Αν και δεν βλεπω πως στον ........ μπορουν τα γραφικα να βελτιωθουν με τον Λαραμπη στην επομενη γενια,αφου χτυπησαν "ταβανι" με το Uncharted. ;)
Δείτε το και σε video

Quake Wars: Ray Traced

(Καλύτερα πατήστε το για να σας ανοίξει σε άλλο παράθυρο για να το δείτε σε HD)

Μια αρκετα εκλαικευμενη και εκτενης αναλυση των οσο μεχρι τωρα εχει αφησει να γινουν γνωστα η Intel.

Ιδου η αποκαλυψη ,το θηριο το τερας ,το τσιπακι που θα κυριαρχησει τον κοσμο.

Λινκ φωτο.

Πολλά ακούμε, λίγα θα γίνουν. Ή η απάντηση από τους ανταγωνιστές θα είναι ισχυρότερη, ή το Larabee θα είναι η μούφα της χιλιετίας.

Μακάρι να δούμε κάτι καλό!
Δεν μας τα λεει καλα. Ελπιζω να αλλαξουν τα δεδομενα στους μηνες που ερχονται πριν το επισημο ντεμπουτο

One of the most anticipated products due to be released by the Santa Clara, California-based Intel is the company's first discrete graphics processing unit, also known as the Larrabee chip. This new product is said to place Intel as a strong competitor in the graphics market, challenging the industry's leading graphics chip makers, NVIDIA and AMD. However, according to some recent reports, early samples of Intel's Larrabeechip can only perform at approximately the same level as NVIDIA's high-end single-GPU GeForce GTX 285 card. Although we are still months away from a possible release, this doesn't come as good news for Intel, considering that both NVIDIA and AMD should have new cards out by the time Larrabee will be on the market.

According to a recent news-article on tomshardware citing sources close to the manufacturer, the much-anticipated Larrabee currently performs like NVIDIA's single-GPU flagship card, the GeForce GTX 285. This could change before the chip maker officially debuts the new cards, but for the time being it appears NVIDIA and ATI will be the only competitors in the high-end graphics market.

The rumor isn't necessarily bad for Chipzilla, which could still place its upcoming graphics chip as a competitor in the mainstream, mid-segment market, where the real money is. However, it's interesting to note that Intel has been working on Larrabee for a good while now and needs to compete with products that haven't yet been released. This will be a relatively new challenge for the chip maker, which has focused its business on providing consumers with x86 processors for both desktop and portable PC markets.

In light of the recent rumors, we should note that both NVIDIA and ATI are currently expected to announce new cards, before the end of this year, with the former said to be preparing a completely new architecture altogether.

Intel's 'Larrabee' on Par With GeForce GTX 285
This time however, we wanted to find out a little bit more about what Intel had up its sleeve for Larrabee--the company's next generation graphics solution, that's suppose to blow the water out of everything in the market.

According to one close Intel partner that wished not to be named, this isn't the case. We were told that Larrabee is currently only capable of performance levels similar to Nvidia's GeForce GTX 285. While this isn't a bad thing in by any measure, it doesn't quite line up with a lot of the heat that we've been told.

The partner said that with current Larrabee silicon, things may change down the line, but it did not expect Intel's graphics solution to take the high-end of the market. At the time of Larrabee's release, both AMD/ATI and Nvidia will introduce newer and faster versions of its GPUs. Despite this, it's still important to keep in mind that Intel has always been an enabler of technology, pushing other industry leaders to adopt new technology. This was the case with Intel's infamous i740.

Intel told us several weeks ago that Larrabee would be taking the same approach as Intel's SSD drives. Silent. No frills. But market dominating when released.

At this point, we still think it's a bit too early to draw very solid conclusions, but, this is what we were told.
Guys,don't you think that something smells like...φόλα here ????? :p :p

Big πατάτα ahead,avoid at all costs,I repeat,avoid at all costs !!! :p :p

(ναι,είμαι υπερβολικός,το ξέρω..!! :D :D )
Μάλλον θα νικήσουν οι GPU με το CUDA. Για να δούμε..
Και όπως ήταν φυσικό η ιδέα μπήκε στο χρονοντούλαπο μαζί με την άλλη εφεύρεση το πλυντήριο ρούχων που αντί για μοτέρ είχε τροχό με ποντίκια

Θα επανελθω με σχολιο οταν ισιωσω...