Starfox: Shadows of Lylat


RetroMuseum GateKeepeR
9 Ιαν 2006
Starfox: Shadows of Lylat

ενα Fanmade εγχειρημα ,με βαση την μηχανη φραφικων του Freespace.


Τι ωραία θα ήταν φίλε Nemo να εμπλούτιζες το πρώτο και πολύ ενδιαφέρον ποστ σου έτσι ώστε να το βάζαμε στα reviews των παιχνιδιών εδώ!
Βασικά δεν υπάρχει ούτε demo ακόμα , οπότε δεν μπορεί να γραφτεί κάτι παραπάνω. Παρ'όλα αυτά βρήκα κάποιες πληροφορίες σε ένα blogάκι. Σας τις παραθέτω :

Star Fox: Shadows of Lylat is a fan-made game based off Freespace 2. The game has been in development for nearly 3 years and the work has payed off. The game looks gorgeous. This is easily one of the best fan-made games I have ever seen. Shadows of Lylat easily rivals a GameCube or PS2 game. It is apparent that a lot of time has gone into the development of this game.
The game is still in the early stages of development. The team hopes to have a public beta up soon, however they have not made any promises. The team currently consists of 14 members with several other people offering help when possible. While the game has been in development for a long period of time, it is amazing that these guys have gotten so far in their free-time with no monetary aid.

The team has promised a game with more depth than any previous Star Fox title. The game takes place in a world nearly identical to that in Star Fox 64. However, the team has promised that some areas must be visited more than once in the game. Many different weapons and ships will also be available so that gamers can customize any mission to their liking.

The game also has several major differences the typical Star Fox shooter. The game currently features no "on-rails" levels. The team did state that not every level is finished and this could change later in development. Another drastic change is the absence of Andross. The big-headed creep will not play a role in this game, instead his army of space fighters will play a prominent role.
Official Site here
Freespace επαιζα τρελα...τωρα τι ηθελαν το μπασταρδεμα με το StarFox δεν καταλαβαινω...ας φτιαχναν ενα unofficial Freespace3...
akmakas είπε:
Τι ωραία θα ήταν φίλε Nemo να εμπλούτιζες το πρώτο και πολύ ενδιαφέρον ποστ σου έτσι ώστε να το βάζαμε στα reviews των παιχνιδιών εδώ!
Α ρε akmakas,παντα βρισκεις αφορμη για να παρακινησεις καποιον να εμπλουτισει τον τομεα των reviews,και καλα κανεις ασφαλως...!!!

Κι εγω δεν τα παρατησα,μη νομιζεις,απλα δε ξερω για ποιο παιχνιδι να γραψω τωρα.....

(αν και κατι εχω στο μυαλο βεβαια...)
Official status of the game! - 28th July 2011

You may have noticed that we have been pretty quiet for a while now.

Don't worry. We are not dead!

Now less than ever. We're determined to finish this game.

There are three reasons for the recent lack of communication.

1. Until a while a go, the development went pretty slow. We made small steps, but still had problems getting all the main features of the game working, so there wasn't much to show or tell.

2. Recently we have made some bigger changes to the project. We have made a lot of progress recently, thanks to a few very active users. stfx played a big role in this. Until we are done with the main changes we can't show you anything that isn't heavily work-in-progress.

3. Nintendo has not closed down this project for years. They have just released a remake of Star Fox 64 (Lylat Wars) for the 3ds. SoL probably won't have any influence on their sales, but it still seems wrong to advertise another Star Fox game while they are releasing an official title.

You won't hear much from us for a while now. There is a lot of work to do before we can show you anything new. There are some very intersting developments, but we are not ready to let you in on them just yet.

Please be patient. We are working hard to make it worthwhile!
Προελευση :
Starfox Shadows of Lylat ,R.I.P.

και το δευτερο Fanmade mod R.I.P. (αναμενομενο)

The answer to all three of these is... Shadows of Lylat.

It is our regret to the fans that this mod has pretty much ceased all activity.

No real work has been done for ages sadly. We've tried multiple times to find ways to revive ourselves with focused goals and new ideas. Unfortunately, they didn't take and we were just right back where we were before.

As well we've moved on with life. Finding jobs, going to school, other fun things in life. Those things didn't help matters for the mod, but they couldn't really be helped.

So that's it. The mod is dead! It was fun while it lasted.

Hold on here, what about all that cool stuff in the screenshots?

We still have it all. What we have may be released if I can get enough people's permission. It isn't fair to you to show off all of these things and never deliver, but it also isn't fair to release without permission.

Can I continue where you left off?

There is no reason why you can't, but you'll have to go it alone. Learning to mod Freespace is very easy and there's a wealth of information on HLP on that stuff. If you would want to use any released materials in your own games or mods, you will be able to, but credits MUST be given. Everything would be released as-is, no support or help will be given.

Thank you all for your... sometimes nutty, devotion to this mod. Even when we haven't really been around at all, you stuck around. We're sorry to disappoint.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
Well, it wasn't the way we wanted to release, but its better than no release at all.

So enjoy this asset release! It is split into two parts: Working Mod Prototype and Work in Progress.

SoL was going to be a Total Conversion, not requiring FreeSpace, but we didn't get that far. It was working standalone, but with Volition's VPs still there keeping it propped up. So this "release" requires a full FreeSpace installation, FreeSpace Open and the mediavps (3.6.12 works fine!).

I've included some VERY rough missions that took me a few hours to make. There's also some prototype missions included as well. None of that is what the final gameplay was going to be like. Just experiments and stuff for people to play with.

The Work In Progress is all of our in progress work. I didn't really sort much of it. Some of the WIP stuff has been finished and some of it is still quite incomplete.

I've tried my best to credit everyone for their work, I may have forgotten some ships or miscredited people's work... I apologize in advance for these errors!

All of the assets are released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Basically you can use and modify our works however you like, you just can't make a profit off of it. Also it'd be really pro if you told us if you're using this stuff. It'd be neat to see where this stuff ends up.

Now get cracking! I want to see this stuff get used in a finished product!

Download Page

If after you click download the page closes and download doesn't start please try again.


If you have any questions or some issues, I'll try to help you out the best I can.

Mod Installation Guidelines:

Ensure you have a working installation of a FreeSpace installation, FreeSpace Open + Launcher and the FreeSpace Upgrade mediavps.

Extract the /SoL/ folder from the archive to your root FreeSpace Folder.

Select the mod from the launcher and hit play.

Don't expect too much! Remember, its unfinished for a reason!
