Xbox-Dreamcast Compatibility


Retromaniax Co-Founder
26 Σεπ 2006
Η αλλιως πως το XBOX θα μπορουσε να δωσει μερικους μηνες πνοης η χρονια στο πεθαμενο dreamcast.

Οταν πρωτοβγηκε το πρωτο xbox υπηρχε η σκεψη απο την Sega τα παιχνιδια του Dreamcast να ειναι συμβατα με του Xbox ετσι ωστε να υπαρχει ομαλη μεταβαση απο την μια κονσολα στην αλλη.

Aν μονο ειχε συμφωνησει και ο Βασιλακης.

There have been rumors for years that Microsoft planned to buy Japanese game maker SEGA. But did you know SEGA hoped to make the original Xbox compatible with Dreamcast games?

The SEGA Dreamcast was launched in late 1998 to great fanfare. The console — featuring dial-up online — was years ahead of its time. Then the Sony's PlayStation 2 launched, and the SEGA console never recovered.

SEGA Chairman Isao Okawa was not willing to go down without a fight. "Before Mr. Okawa passed away," tweets former Microsoft exec Sam Furukawa, "he visited Gates several times, to see if it would be possible to add Dreamcast compatibility into the Xbox." According to Furukawa, Okawa was offering the SEGA assets to Xbox, it seems, which would create a path for Dreamcast customers to migrate to the Xbox.

Even if the Dreamcast was dying, this move would keep the platform alive and maybe even give it a second wind.

Okawa insisted that internet was indispensable for the Dreamcast games, it seems, but Microsoft didn't want an internet connection for the Dreamcast titles and negotiations fell apart.

(Of course, Microsoft pushed online gaming for its own Xbox titles; however, one has to wonder what expenses it would incur by not only making its Xbox play DC games, but play them online.)

Furukawa says that Okawa negotiated with Gates himself, but he was unable to work out a deal to pass on the Dreamcast customers. Before Okawa, Furukawa adds, he gave over roughly US$ 900 million from his personal fortune to SEGA in order to keep the company afloat.

Okawa passed away in Tokyo on March 16, 2001 due to heart failure. He was 74. The Dreamcast went out of production later that year. The chairman who followed Okawa decided that SEGA should focus on software production.

SEGA of America exec Peter Moore, the man who has admitted to making the decision to stop producing the Dreamcast, joined Microsoft in 2003.

CSK Holdings, the company Okawa created, owned the major stock share in SEGA until 2004 when CSK's shares were bought by Sammy, a pachinko company. And Microsoft continues to struggle in the Japanese market.

Furukawa is currently a professor at Japan's Keio University.

幻に終わったXboxのドリームキャスト互換・今明かされるその理由 [Kotaku Japan]
τελικά αυτή η SEGA είναι πολύ πονεμένη ιστορία.
Γ@$%^% τα είναι.Είχε τόσες μα τόσες ευκαιρίες να νικήσει τον ανταγωνισμό...Αλλά τι να κάνουμε η βλακεία πληρώνεται.Εαν ρίξετε μια ματιά στο IGN είχε ένα πάρα πολύ καλό άρθρο σχετικά με την ιστορία της εταιρίας όπου έλεγε πως η Sega είχε δεχτεί προτάσεις από την SGI για ένα τσιπάκι γραφικών που θα έβαζε υποτίθεται στο Saturn.Φυσικά το Ιαπωνέζικο division δεν δέχτηκε και στην συνέχεια το τσιπάκι αυτό κατέληξε στο N64.

Μετά λέει πως η Sony πρότεινε συνεργασία για να βγάλουν μία κοινή κονσόλα την οποία επίσης απέρριψε η Ιαπωνία.

FFS και να ήταν μόνο αυτά...
Παντως το ΧΒΟΧ ειχε την τιμη να φιλοξενησει παρα πολλα διαμαντια του DC αλλα και να γινει η πλατφορμα των τελευταιων επικων κυκλοφοριων της Sega (Gun Valkyrie,Orta κτλ κτλ).
οι πάλαι ποτέ βασιλιάδες των arcades να συζητάνε με τους σημεροχτεσινούς για συμβατότητες και άλλα αστεία.
παιδιά έτσι είναι σε όλους τους τομείς αλλά και στην ίδια τη ζωή.... σήμερα είναι αρχηγός ο Α, αύριο έρχεται η σειρά του Β και είναι αυτός αρχηγός...
Ενδιαφεροντα τα παραπανω αλλα δεν βλεπω αναφορα καθολου στην ουσια του quote.

Πως θα ηταν τα πραγματα και τι θα αλλαζε αν το xbox ειχε ετοιμη βιβλιοθηκη απο το dreamcast.

Πιο πολυ βλεπω παντως να βοηθιοταν το Xbox παρα το dreamcast απο αυτην την κινηση,αν και σαν ιδεα μου φαινεται απιθανη,crossover κονσολων αλλης μαρκας δεν ειχαμε-εχουμε ξαναδει. :xm:

Να μου πεις η M$ τοτε ειχε κονεξιον με την Sega για τα καλα ,ποιος μπορει να ξεχασει το logo των Windows στο cast.
δε θα άλλαζε τίποτα τα πράγματα είχαν πάρει το δρόμο τους.
Πράγματι.Ίσως βοηθούσε λίγο παραπάνω το XBOX αλλά και πάλι δεύτερο θα έβγαινε.Το Dreamcast ήταν καταδικασμένο από την αρχή στα μάτια του κόσμου δυστυχώς.
μου έκανε μεγάλη εντύπωση που λέει οτι έδωσε ο άλλος 900 (!!!) εκατομύρια δολλάρια για να κρατηθεί η εταιρεία απο τη τσέπη του...
έλα ντε! πόσα είχε άραγε σύνολο...?
λογικά δε θα τα είχε αλλά πήρε κανένα δάνειο και μετά του τα πήραν όλα :p
ή μπορεί να πούλησε τίποτα βάζα της δυναστείας των Μινγκ ΛΟΛ
πέθανε μετά απο λίγο καιρό αλλιώς θα πούλαγε χαλιά στην εθνική.
Σας προτεινω να διαβασετε τα "Opening the Xbox" και "The Xbox 360 Uncloaked". Eχουν πολυ ψωμι!

Στο NeoGaf μαλιστα βρηκα και ενα αποσπασμα

versions of the original Xbox ran both PSOne and Dreamcast games at one point
Και απο SegaBase

A strange courtship
One of the most interesting events to watch during March 2000 was the under-the-table offer by Microsoft to buy out Sega of America. The reason was pretty obvious. Microsoft wanted Sega's expertise and technical ability to buck up its own XBox project. Speculators were even surmising that such a move would, in effect, turn XBox into "Dreamcast 2," since Sega probably didn't have enough money left to release a successor console. According to several independent reports reports, promising initial talks between Sega and Microsoft quickly broke down over two key issues: Dreamcast back-compatability and the Windows operating system. Sega wanted XBox to be back-compatible with Dreamcast if it was to have any say in XBox hardware development. This Microsoft refused to permit, and Sega reportedly balked at the high cost of making new Dreamcast titles compatible with the evolving XBox standard. Also, Sega did not want to have to be constrained to Microsoft's requirement that all videogame console development be done under the bloatware environment of Windows. Even WindowsCE was rather hefty for its claimed compactness, and that was the prime reason why Sega preferred to stick to its own proprietary APIs insofar as Dreamcast development was concerned. The whole affair began and ended in a matter of days, but it market an interesting juncture in the unusual relationship between the world's best known arcade videogame manufacturer and the world's largest software company. The move reportedly brought a temporary halt to Microsoft's XBox plans, but at the same time it left Sega free and clear on the 128-bit market for a little while longer. Sega was quite willing to work with Microsoft and would do so again, but in this case the asking price was just too high. In retrospect, the failure of the deal may have had something to do with the pulling of the planned ports of several popular PC entertainment titles by Microsoft on the Dreamcast, but Sega didn't mind the loss. It now had more than enough Dreamcast titles released or in the development pipeline to make up for their absence, anyway.

On 10 March 2000, Microsoft's Bill Gates officially unveiled the XBox. "Building on our strengths as a software company," Gates said during the official press briefing, "Microsoft has developed XBox which will offer game developers a powerful platform and game enthusiasts an incredible experience. We want XBox to be the platform of choice for the best and most creative game developers in the world." XBox was a DirectX/PC based videogame console running on an Intel Pentium III 733 MHz CPU, based on an nVidia G-Force derived graphics chipset. It had three times the horsepower of Sony's PlayStation 2; in fact, it was far and away the most powerful entry into the 128/256-bit nexgen wave, outclassing all other consoles in every category. XBox was slated to hit the videogame market in the fall of 2001 and had the support of practically every major Western third-party software vendor and a fair number of prominent Japanese ones. Microsoft announced a US$250 million ad campaign designed to promte its impending X-Box videogame console - a figure that made every other console vendor blanch in shock. SegaWeb's Craig Hansen was quick to quip, "Bill Gates is cursing both heaven and hell that he has no one like Yu Suzuki in XBox's corner," due to the fact that it did not appear that all that many quality software titles would be available for the new console's launch; however, a few days later, however, MCV reported that merger talks between Sega and Microsoft have not broken off as previously reported, but were quietly continuing "along different lines." As the weeks and months rolled on and XBox news continued to build steam, rumors begin to surface that Sega and Microsoft were close to a mutual agreement regarding their respective consoles. Sega was rumored to have begun software development for XBox, and in exchange Microsoft was going to include some form of Dreamcast back-compatability with its new überconsole.

Two months later, on 25 May 2000, Sega's Isao Okawa set the record straight. Microsoft was not playing a major role in Sega's Dreamcast plans, including online gameplay, and never would. In response to questions, he also confirmed that Sega was asked to help Microsoft develop XBox. The deal fell through due to "mutual disagreements." Concerning the future of Sega and Microsoft's relationship regarding the Dreamcast, Okawa stated that "... Sega will not enlist the help of Microsoft. We're done with them." Many industry insiders promptly comment that Microsoft more or less used Sega and the Dreamcast as a proving ground for certain early XBox ideas and that Sega did not like this fact once the intrigue was discovered; however, Sega seemed to have realized the potential profits of software development for Microsoft's new console and decided to swallow its pride. In the light of what was to come for Dreamcast, it seems to have been a prudent move.
Oσο για τον κ. Okawa
"$7.5 billion"

καλά μιλάμε είχε παρά με ουρά... respect
και πάλι όμως. όταν επιβλέπεις 90 εταιρείες και έχεις κύκλο εργασιών 7.5 δις δολλάρια, δε σημαίνει οτι έχεις 7.5 δις δολλάρια στη τσέπη σου. μιλάμε για ανώνυμες εταιρείες με μετόχους χρηματιστήρια κλπ κλπ
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από έναν συντονιστή:
όταν επιβλέπεις όλα αυτά που μας λέει , να είσαι σίγουρος ότι από πίσω έχεις "υποστήριξη" ... εξ'άλλου ο τύπος μπορεί να μην ήξερε τί είχε από τον παππού του ακόμα... δεν ξέρουμε και το βιογραφικό του! και στην τελική τα ποσά είναι σχετικά, μας φαίνονται απίθανα νούμερα που για άλλους είναι απλά μια ακόμα επένδυση...
δυσκολεύομαι να πιστέψω οτί ο κ. Okawa έκανε παιχνίδι κάθε χρόνο με 7,5 δις $ και η Sega σταμάτησε να βγάζει κονσόλες γιατί χρεωκόπησε. εκτός και αν έπαιζε σκηνικό ΑΕΚ με χρέη 200 και 300 χιλ ευρώ εδω κι εκεί για "πίτσες στους Θρακομακεδόνες".